Friday, February 15, 2008


I really need to be more passionate about giving my all in everything that I do. Lately, it feels like I've been thoughtlessly and carelessly going through the actions of life. I used to be so excited to be alive and to learn new things. Now, I feel numb to the world and everyone/thing in it.

This past weekend, at my friend's house, my friend's dad went on for about 20 minutes about a book he has been reading and the history that goes along with it. He seemed so intrigued and exited to share what he had been learning. It was amazing and I loved every moment! His enthusiasm made me realize how much I need to change. Because of this, a bit of passion has been aroused from within me and it has made me want to try and be more excited about my daily tasks and hobbies. Haha, whenever I say the word "try", I hear Yoda's voice in my head stating his famous line:"Do or do not, there is no try." Such wisdom :) . So much for try, I'm gonna do.

Verb, it's what ya do...

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