Friday, June 1, 2007

The Secret

As most of you know, I am a fan of positive thinking. I have several books that emphasize the power of intention and the like. Recently, my mother and I were watching Oprah and a lady was on the show who was advertising a book called The Secret. The contents,of this book pretty much fit perfectly with all that I have previously learned about changing life for the better. We bought the book and a DVD that goes a long with it.

As the Costco cashier said, "Once you get past the weird music and whispering" it is an amazing DVD filled with the basic truths of the universe. The main truth discussed is the law of attraction. Basically, people attract people, places, experiences, and things into their lives. Quoting from the movie: "thoughts become things." If our thoughts and feelings are positive, then good things come into our lives and vis versa. Using an example from my own life: when I'm running late, it seems like I hit every red light. This is because I am constantly thinking, "I'm going to be late." I am thinking about being late and so I end up being late. Yeah... This stuff is disgusting, if your a pessimistic individual. On the flip side, though, knowing how to harness your positive thoughts and feelings assists you in money matters, relationships, health, goals, dreams, and an infinite number of things. Check the website at!

Good quotes that agree with all self-help/positive thinking material:

"Imagination is the key to all things" ~Albert Einstein

"And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you" ~Luke 11:9

"What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality" ~Otto Rank

"Empires of the mind are empires of the future" ~Winston Churchill

"I think therefore I am" ~René Descartes


Anonymous said...

It is interesting how God's principles are working for unbeliever and believer. Only one diffrence that believer has an opposition. It can be compared to hunting. During hunting the dog only will run after the duck that is alive. He can get the wounded one. He is not interested in dead one - it doesn't fly away, he already ownes it.

New Age, new stage
for all who ingage,
They come like the frog
Into the jaws of the "dog",*
Without knowing the truth
Accepting non of what they should
They happily perish with positive thoughts,
But who will foretell them while time still allows?*
While my little poem I am trying to rhyme,
People are dying and leaving the time.


Anonymous said...

sorry mistypo: engage instead of ingage