Friday, October 9, 2009
My Version of "My Father's Hands"
!!! My Life is Grand !!!
A Diamante
Carved, Varnished
Tuning, Playing, Improving
Bridge, Strings, Scroll, Pegs
Practicing, Vibrating, Performing
Strong, Beautiful
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Terrible Tuesday
So, I hate Tuesdays just because they are prodigiously long and obnoxious (for me and my retarded schedule), but this week's was trashcan worthy. No, WAIT...that isn't disgusting enough. I'd say it was dumpster or landfill material...perhaps even toxic waste would justify a good description.
And it came to pass...
I started my morning in a manic/cranky manner, as usual. But during my morning blah, I had several thoughts that went something like this: "self, just wear glasses." In response, though, I went on to think, "that's retarded. I'll be fine," + ended up pushing the reoccurring idea to the back of my noggin'.
If ye go contrary to that which has been spoken, that ye withdraw yourselves form the spirit of the Lord, that it may have no place in you to guide you in wisdom's paths...
Lo and behold, my contacts decided to give me havoc. Throughout the day, I couldn't see and was unfocused in my classes. There was no point in my being in class (since I wasn't getting anything out of it) so I headed to the ladies room.
Basically... I attempted to rinse out my devilish contacts. Apperently, I failed miserably. I plopped them back in and moved 'em around, trying to get them to adjust. There must have been a piece of makeup or eyelash in the one, though, because my eye began to scream at me (metaphorically speaking, of course. I am glad that body parts can't really communicate, it would be freaky). I then proceeded to trashing the lenses.
And there was wailing and gnashing of teeth...
I-- being a retard-- remained in the bathroom, going through toilet paper like no other, because my eye spasm decided to invite my sinuses to the show. I was naively hoping that the pain would cease. Finally, ("here [she] come[s] to save the day") a girl of brilliance assisted me to the building's main office. I was blind, by this point, and in tremendous pain. I told them my situation and was led, like a dog on a leash, to the health and wellness center. It turns out that I had managed to scratch my cornea. It took like two hours for them to tell me this (after a junk-load of useless questioning) and I was then sent home to endure the rest of the day. It was disgusting. We hit a traffic jam and with my lack of sight, combined with the stop/go situation, things were "Mmmm good", only not. I became car-sick and vomited all over the car. :(.
Later that night, Bro. Durrant and my poppy gave me a blessing. It was very comforting (physically and emotionally). I love the priesthood. <3. style="font-style:italic;"> Words of advice = Don't hurt your eye; it is not fun.
Seven Reasons for a Season
Reason One =
There are lots of deep colors-- shades of a sunset. It is interesting how death can be so beautiful. After all, that is a majority of what this season is-- lots of dying leaves and plants; but, as morbid as it may seem, I love it! Anyways, I love this season for more reasons than a fascination with death... If you 're gonna die, though, you might as well go out with color, haha.
Reason Two =
The trees finally get a chance to sleep! I know how much I love to sleep and can only imagine that a rest for them has to feel fantastic. I forget how grateful I should be to be able to take a good long 8 hourish nap every night until September and October show up and I'm reminded that trees have to wait many months for a break.
Reason Three =
It is harvest time! Squash, pumpkins, zucchini, and etc. are big and deliciously ready for me to devour!
Reason Four =
I get to where coats, jackets, scarves, hats, gloves, sweaters, and the like! I like clothes, especially when it comes to fall and winter fashions and accessories! This is stereotyped as being extremely girly, but what can I say to that? Hmmm... I'll say that it probably has something to do with my vain streak, haha. Also, I'm of the opinion that I can be girly if I want to-- especially since I am a girl.
Reason Five =
Reverting to a mental image of dead leaves... um... I can jump into big piles of them! :)
Reason Six =
It is the beginning of "the holidays."
Reason Seven =
It rocks enough that, from the bleachers in my head, I can almost hear mini Brookes cheering with glee: "Give me an F! Give me an A! Give me a set of L's! Go, Fall ,go!" ;)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The unknown staring me in the face
My plans I've accomplished
it's another fork in the road
where do I go?
What should I do?
So many choices!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tools for the Trials of Life and the Negative Thoughts that Tag Along
With such a society, running as fast it can, responsibilities like family, jobs, and school seem to stack higher and higher. Trying to keep up to par with everything may be difficult and when one falls behind, it seems like there is no way to catch up and the glimmer of hope can quickly morph into a black hole of despair.
Perhaps, you have experienced what I am describing. If you have ever felt like you were drowning in an ocean of stress-overload you probably know what I’m talking about. You are discouraged at yourself for falling behind. You feel mad at the world for throwing so much stress and chaos at you. You feel bad for letting your boss, teachers, and/or loved ones down. You feel horrible about not being "good enough" and then the thoughts begin to make their way in, the negative "just give up" kind of thoughts. "You'll never be able to fix everything or come out on top." "Why are you even trying?" "It is too hard, there’s sooo much to do and not enough time." "There is no hope for a bright future, if you can't handle your life, right now" "You've lost control, stop trying, it is no use."
These thoughts are horrible! They bring with them confusion, doubt, fear, and a disgusting knot in the stomach that forms when a lie is told. This is because these thoughts and thoughts similar to them are lies. Satan, the father lies, wants to destroy us, to make us as miserable as he is. D&C 10: 22 states that: “Satan leads souls to destruction.” And in Moses 4: 6 we learn more about the devil’s evil intentions when we read that: “Satan [seeks] to destroy the world.” He was our brother in the pre-earth life. He knows us: our weaknesses, our talents, our strengths. He knows our great potential and wants us to fail. He, as well as his legions of evil spirit followers, will do all that they can to hinder our progression. Though they cannot read our thoughts, they can whisper evil and degrading things into our minds. If we allow these things to stay, little by little we will fall away from reaching our God-given potential. Steven A. Cramer, in his book, Putting on the Amor of God, states the following phrase repeatedly: “What gets your attention get you.” Negative thoughts (like the aforementioned) have popped into everyone’s head (I know that they’ve popped into mine), but this does not mean we have to keep them there. Even the Savior of the world, He who was perfect, was tempted of the devil. When Jesus had fasted for forty days he went into the wilderness and the devil came to tempt him. In Matt 4: 10 we read the Savior’s response. He commanded: “Get thee hence, Satan…” and like the Savior, we mustn’t allow Satan’s whisperings to stay with us.
We have had and will continue to have challenges in our lives. Satan will continue in his endeavors at feeding negative thoughts into our heads in hope that we will let them linger to torture our souls. Today, though, I want to talk about how we can deal with the stresses of this world and how to replace negative thoughts and feelings with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and hope in His infinite Atonement.
In his talk entitled Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, Elder Kevin W. Pearson said: “Challenging times require greater spiritual power” (40). How true that is! The bar has been raised in missionary requirements and it should be raised in our own lives. The standards of the world are progressively falling. We see it everywhere (in the streets, at school in the media, and etc). With so much chaos and confusion surrounding us, we need to do more to protect ourselves from falling right alongside the world; we need to do all that we can to stay close to the Lord.
There are many tools like prayer, the words of the prophets, and temple worship available to help us through the hardships of life. Let’s talk a little bit more about each of these tools. First, we can pray. Heavenly Father is there. He listens to and answers every single prayer. He loves us and wants us to come to Him, to give Him our thanks, to share with him our desires, our heartache, to ask Him for help. In D&C 10:5 it says, “Pray always, that you may come off conqueror; yea, that you may conquer Satan, and that you may escape the hands of the servants of Satan that do uphold his work.” Prayer is such a simple thing and yet it is so powerful.
The words of the prophets are another tool. Whether it be President Monson and the general authorities of today or the prophets of old. Messages of comfort and guidance from the Lord are relayed through them to us in church magazines like the Ensign and in the scriptures. This is also a simple thing and so much strength and joy (even answers to prayers) can come from simply reading! I don’t know how many times I have read my scriptures or flipped through talks in the Ensign and had several questions answered or received direction as the Spirit whispered to my heart that what I was reading was truth. Elder Sheldon F. Child in his talk A Sure Foundation pleaded: “Brothers and sisters, if God loves us enough to send us prophets, then we need to love Him enough to follow them. Following the prophets will help protect us against the storms of life and lead us to Christ. [hold scriptures and ensign up] These are words from our Heavenly Father through His servants to me and to you. They can be our guide to surviving and even thriving in these troubled times.
Temple worship is also a source of strength and power in times of need. Elder Richard G. Scott gave a marvelous talk in General Conference last month on this very subject. In his talk he suggested several ways that one can benefit more from attending the temple. Such suggestions include [read out of ensign](44). He also testified that: “When we keep the temple covenants we have made and when we live righteously in order to maintain the blessings promised by those ordinances then come what may, we have no reason to feel despondent”(45). What a blessing it is to have a temple in the very city we live. Travel time is only a matter of minutes and we can be within the walls of the temple, away from the cares of the world. For those of us who are not endowed, we have opportunities several times a week to go do baptisms for the dead. And for the endowed the opportunity is always there. I don’t take enough advantage of this. I get caught up with being too busy or not wanting to sacrifice a few hours of sleep to get up early and go, but I know that when I have gone it has been awesome. The Holy Ghost is strong when I do service in general, but it is especially strong within the sacred walls of the temple, as I participate in ordinances by proxy for those who have gone to the spirit world. If you don’t currently hold a temple recommend, schedule an interview with the bishop to receive one. If you are unworthy to receive one, then get worthy! Again, talk to the bishop, he loves you and is there to help with the repentance process so that you can once again enjoy the blessings of the temple. Attending the temple can strengthen our testimonies and make us more able to deal with the stresses and doubts of the world.
Negativity may crash in from all around us. Circumstance may be treacherous. And with such, doubts and sorrow can crowd our hearts and minds. Even with (ESPECIALLY with) the hard times we are experiencing and/or will experience, we need to remember the many tools that God has provided for us. Prayer, the words of the prophets, and temples are only a few of the resources we have available to us. We have family and friends, home and visiting teachers, institute classes, beautiful and inspiring hymns and music, and other things and people in our lives that can aid us in this earthly experience. Going back to Kevin W. Pearson’s Talk Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, he closed with his testimony that “Because He lives (He being the Savior), there is always hope smiling brightly before us. In a household of faith, there is no need to fear or doubt. Choose to live by faith and not fear.”
I want to close with my own testimony. I know that God lives and loves each one of us. I know that Jesus is my elder brother and my Savior. I know that he lived a perfect life and that if I follow his example I will be blessed. I know that he suffered the Atonement because he loves me and each of us. I know that he experienced all of my pains and all of my heartache. He knows exactly what I have gone through, all that I am going through, and all that I will go through. He died and was resurrected so that we may live again with Him, our Heavenly Parents and all of our loved ones. Life may bring me down, I may be a horrible sinner, but everything will be okay because I know that I am not alone. I know that through repentance, no matter how bad I mess up, I can be made clean; I can be forgiven! I know that Satan is real and that he is doing his best to confuse us, to make us doubt, to lead us away from the blessings that come through living the gospel. Even with the distractions of the devil, even with the stresses of mortality, I know that men are that they might have joy. God wants us to be happy. Times may be hard, but there is no reason to fear. He has provided us with the means to endure. I know that with God we can do and get through anything.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
I forget how much I love the sound of birds, every year. Also, the budding leaves and flowers are soo beautiful. The newness of growth (maybe, it's just the surge of energy from my high protein diet) makes me want to burst into song. If my whits would permit, I'd love to just sing happy spring songs while walking to and from class.
Saturday @ School
This past weekend was a rather weird one. I usually stay at home and catch up on my studies/practicing and then squeeze in some relaxation time. On a spur of the moment thing, though, I ended up hanging out at school all day. Do you know who Adam Neiman is? If not, I highly suggest that you look the fellow up.
So... It turns out that he was giving a studio class and a concert on Saturday. I was pretty much enthused when I found out about this. I attended both and took some great notes. It was very inspirational. He knows his music history, theory and everything in between. I was very impressed and in love with his technique!
I was also able to go to a study group in preparation a test. I think it helped, but I'm not sure. I guess I'll have to wait until the grade is posted. I'd go to all the study groups that are provided, but they seem to be at unsuitable times (for me anyways). I have no form of transportation to get me downtown on the weekends and in the evenings (usually). I am stuck at school from 8 in the morning until 9ish in the p.m., on Tuesdays. Even if a study group is on that day (which never happens), it would probably be during one of my classes. I laugh, because so is life.
And that I concludes my recap of a Saturday @ school. :)
The ThreeTravelers
My 33 year suitor (this is just a nickname for a friend of mine), is goin' to china to teach English. Isn't that awesome? I am quite jealous, and yet happy for the guy. He needs some excitement. Maybe he'll have a fling with some foxy Chinese lady. After all, romance has a sense of excitement... I suppose.
Also, in the realm of travel...My brother, Ryan, is headed to Thailand-- this summer. He went there on his mission, and wants to take "the beautiful Robyn" (his wife) back with him to do all that fun stuff that was prohibited from him, as a missionary. I wish I could hitch a ride with them. I want to travel the world! There are so many beautiful places to see and wonderful things to do. 'Tis a shame that we can't live forever or at least have enough time/money to see and do everything.
Farris Wheel Phobia
I'm sure that a group of people coming off a ride with a hysteric woman was quite the sight. I can just picture an impressionable little kid seeing us and thinking to himself, "Golly! That ride must be horrid." For all we know my mom's scene could have made a whole litter of little children deathly afraid of Farris Wheels.... and the phobia is passed on.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
More Than a "I'm good"
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Essential Oils
Citation was added later... if interested, though, all of the info came from a book mentioned in the intro paragraph.
Topic: Essential Oils
Type of Speech: Informative Speech
General Purpose: To inform audience about Essential Oils
Specific Purpose: To make listeners aware that they can heal themselves.
Thesis Statement: Essential Oils are and have been a powerful healing tool.
Organization: Star Pattern
Picture yourself in Egypt, long ago. You are a robber, in King Tut's tomb looking for valuables. Piles of precious metals like Gold, and mounds of beautiful jewels are at your grasp. Pushing these objects out of the way, you head for a set of 50 alabaster jars filled about 350 liters of oil. After transferring the oils from the original heavy containers into lighter bottles, you and your comrades excitedly leave with your mother-load of valuable oils-- oils that are worth more than all of the ancient pharaoh's riches combined. What kind of oil would be worth more than that much gold, you might be wondering? Well, today, we are here to inform you about this. These oils are modernly known as Essential Oils. The ancients used and cherished them and so can you and I. Through Reading the beginning of Gary Young's reference book Essential Oils: Integrative Medical Guide, we have come to better understand what essential oils are, the history of essential oils, and how essential oils should be used. Because we found this book to be full of extremely interesting information, we thought we'd share what we learned with you. All of the following information comes from the afore mentioned book, which means that if you have any questions, along with asking us you can find answers on your own!
First, what exactly are essential oils? Essential oils are liquid substances distilled from different types of plants. Enfluerage is the name of the oldest form of this process. Along with Enfluerage (which is just the smashing of plants and then mixing the ground bits with olive oil or animal fat) there are many ways of extracting oil from plants. Other ways of distilling oils are soaking plant parts in boiling water or alcohol, and steam distillation (which is the process in which steam goes through plant material and when the steam is condensed the oil separates out). These may seem easy enough, but sometimes it may take a whole shrub just to make one drop of oil! Each oil has its own extreme chemical make-up. Because of this, each has a unique purpose. Some oils like lavender smell good and can have calming effects. Other oils like peppermint and balsam fir can give nourishment and oxygen to cells. Some like lemon, frankincense, and oregano are good at killing bacteria/viruses, and etc. And, also, several oils, like citronella and geranium repel insects. Basically essential oils are substances that can be used by applying to the skin, by taking with food and drink, and/or by breathing in their aromas. They are substances that can better a persons emotional and physical state.
Moving on, we will now talk about the history of Essential Oils. Essential Oils have been around for a long time. In fact, there are records from about 4500 B.C. that talk about oils being used for religious rituals (like embalming) and healing. There are many examples of civilizations that have used essential oils. Along with using oils in the usual religious and healing ways, Egypt (one of the first known civilizations to have produced and used oils) also used them to make cosmetics (eyeliners, eye shadows, perfumes, and etc). Other examples of oils throughout history are as follows:
1. Napoleon is said to have loved cologne that was made of neroli (among other oils). He liked it so much that he ordered 162 bottles of the stuff!
2. After the crusades, oils and essences made of oil were popular substances that were brought back from Jerusalem to Europe.
3. Hildegard of Bingen, a famous nun from the 12 century, wrote a book about how she used herbs and oils for healing in her convent.
4. There are more than 200 references to oils in the Bible (which is used as a historical reference for this speech). Here are a few instances:
1. The three wise men brought gifts to the Savior like Frankincense and Myrrh (both of which are essential oils).
2. In Exodus, God told Moses to blend certain amounts of different oils (i.e. myrrh, cinnamon, calamus, cassia, and olive oil) to create a particular holy anointing oil.
3. Also, in the 12th chapter and the 3rd verse of John, oils are mentioned. It reads: "Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment."
Oils were rediscovered in th late 19th and early 20th centuries. In 1907, a group of scientists, including Dr. Rene'-Maurice Gattefosse' (the father of modern aromatherapy), started studying oils. Gattefosse' later wrote a book about the studies he had conducted and in his book he told a narrative about how he had burned himself in a lab explosion. He said that described his experience with applying lavender oil to his burns. In doing so he said he was able to increase his body's healing process. Eventually knowledge about Essential Oils spread and in WWI hospitals used essential oils because of their cleaning/healing abilities.
The study of essential oils has continued and today scientists are working on finding cures for HIV, AIDS, Ebola, and etc.
Continuing on to our final topic, we will now discuss how to use essential oils properly. Though Essential Oils aren't very popular here in the United States, they are commonly used in places like the Middle East, the Orient, and Europe. Aromatherapy (or the study of essential oils) is even a class taught in school. How do one know if one needs an oil or not? There is a simple test that we'll call an aura test. This test can also be sued with other substances like the food we eat or medication we take. First, a person must chose a bottle of oil (or whatever it is that you want to test). Second, that individual must place the bottle in both hands and hold it in front of his or her stomach. The stomach/naval of the body is thought to be the center of the body where the body's aura is located. If an individual holds an object next to his or her aura and asks his or her body whether or not he or she needs the object the body is supposed to respond. If the body needs the substance, then the body will move towards it. On the other hand, though, if the body doesn't need the substance, the body will move backwards and away from the object. And if the body pulls sideways, the body doesn't really care one way or the other. Once you've established whether or not you need the oil, you should skin test yourself. Though your body says you need an oil it is better to be safe than sorry. You never know; your skin might be allergic to an oil. Once you have determined the oils that work for you, you can then use the oils. There are several ways to use oils. Massages, treatments of acupuncture and acupressure, warm and cold packs, and baths and showers can all be enhanced with a few drops of a desired oil. Even the nutrition of food can be increased, if the cook adds a few drops of oil, while dish is being prepared.
According to the book, applying different oils to different places of the body can help different issues. As you can see with our visual aid, if you rub different oils into various parts of the foot, you can help various parts of the body. The same thing is true about our ears—rubbing oils onto different parts of the ear can assist healing with different parts of our bodies and with different emotional issues.
In conclusion, Essential Oils or oils made from plants and used for healing have been around for a long time. People have benefited from them since before the reign of pharaohs in Ancient Egypt. Through the different forms of application (externally and internally) each oil can be used to help in its own unique way. Now that we have quickly taken you through the basics of Essential oils, we hope you more fully understand what they are, how they fit into history, and how we can properly use them today, in our daily lives.
An Up to Date...ish
I've loved almost every moment of Christmas Break. I'm sad to see it coming to an end. I know, I know... I should be glad for the lengthy amount of time that I had off (especially when [blogging to people] who [have probably had] less time than me) and I am, but it is just that school is not the most pleasant of thoughts after such a glorious vacation!

I read, spent time with buddies and family, slept, and filled the Brookometer back to full. Oh, and guess what?!?!?! Patrick and Christine are going to have a baby!!! I'm going to have another niece or nephew by August. [My family] is getting bigger everyday!
During the past few weeks, I've done a lot of buying and selling books on *


I'm still teaching piano/violin lessons and love it!!!!! I'm trying to plan a recital for February, but we'll see if I can organize one with all of the varying schedules that I have to deal with. Haha. It should be fun! I'm also still working for E.N.C.O.R.E by playing for musicals. I've accompanied "Sleeping Beauty" and "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" and am lined up for "Seussical the Musical" in the spring. I can't wait! I love being able to use music in my life and jobs.

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Of Good Choices and Great Opportunities
My choice to associate with singles, like all choices, has been accompanied by consequences. It has been wonderful to be able to make friends and feel like, for the first time in my life, that I fit in! And yet, I also feel like I am growing up too fast. Being in college and surrounded by older single adults has given me experience that would have been shielded from me, had I stayed in high school for the usual amount of time.
I have dated all sorts of men (hey, I've even had a few marriage proposals!) and I've been attending a singles ward, institute, and college for three years now. All of this should be new to me, since I am only an 18-year-old girl, but it is not. I am used to all of it. In fact, I am starting to get tired of it all.
People often ask me, "Brooke, if you could go back in time, would you decided to stay in high school?" My reply is always the same, " No. The choice to go to college has given me some hard consequences, but it has been the best decision of my life. If I had the chance to go back in time, even with the knowledge that I have about how it would all turn out, I would choose college over high school, any day." And I would, too! After all, I prayed about that decision and felt like attending college was what I needed to do. As hard as it may be, at times, I still feel comforted in my choice.
With that said, I return to the idea of growing myself up too fast. I have one more year until I graduate with a BA, when a normal girl my age would be barely starting off at a new school as a Freshman-- the world of college being new, fresh, and exciting. It is insane to think about! I am excited to think of how far ahead I am in the world in comparison to that little freshman girl, though.
I have the advantage of a few years of experience. I'll be able to graduate, before I marry (that is, if I ever marry). I'll be able to get a nice, stable job and start really supporting myself (hopefully, anyhow... haha). I'll also probably be able to go to Graduate school. There is so much I can do with my life! Thousands of doors are wide open for me-- each one filled with a dozen fabulous opportunities. I am one lucky girl! I just hope that I can make the most of it.
I haven't done my best, in the past, but today is a new day and a bright future can be mine, if I give it my all and always rely upon the Lord to make up for the difference.
Friday, January 16, 2009
I know...
I am a woman with strong christian beliefs, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (in other words... I'm Mormon), and I know that by the power of prayer anyone can obtain a knowledge of loving heavenly parents and a brother, the Savior, Jesus Christ. How do I know this? Well, let me tell you my story...
The summer after I turned 13, I found a Book of Mormon with my older brother's testimony in the back of it. He first read the whole thing, cover to cover, at the age of 12. Seeing this, I decided to read the Book of Mormon, too. I'd heard some of its stories in Sunday School classes and Sacrament meeting talks.
At first, that was all it was to me-- stories. I read nonchalantly until I reached the book of Enos. That day, my mom and I were driving around and running errands when my progress with reading became the topic of conversation. I told her how much I'd read and she responded with a question that changed everything.
"So... Do you know it's true, yet?" she asked.
At this, I was hit with a realization. "No," I admitted. I had no idea whether or not it was true. I'd heard it was true from family members and church leaders, but I-- for the first time in my life-- didn't want to blindly rely on their words. I wanted to know for myself! After all, if the Book of Mormon wasn't true, then that meant that Joseph Smith didn't translate it correctly. For all I knew, he could have made up the whole thing! If this was the case, then he must not have been an inspired man of God; and if he wasn't a prophet, then the whole church that was supposedly restored through him would have to not be true, as well. This would mean that everything I had been taught throughout my whole life (concerning religion) would have to be wrong. With this train of thought, I began to doubt and question everything. If none of this was true, then I needed to find out for myself so that I could move on with my life. I didn't want to continue "wasting my time" with an untrue church. That would have been pointless.
Reading the Book of Mormon, from that day on, became a quest for knowledge and truth. I prayed to know, without a doubt, whether or not its writings were true, whether or not all of its doctrines were true, and if the prophets and church leaders were are all called of God. I needed to know! Not knowing was driving me insane.
This process of searching for an answer took time. My life consisted of nothing else but reading, praying and searching for answers. Finally, one day, I came across a scripture in Moroni that promised that through the whisperings of the Holy Ghost, a person could know and understand all things. Moroni states:
When I read this, my resolve to discover the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and everything having to do with the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was strengthened for a final push. I was in the concluding chapter of the book and my faith was beginning to wane. I needed to know, I yearned to know.
At church, during the sacrament hymn, I tried focusing on the words as the congregation sang about the Savior. The words pounded into my head-- words about a man who had supposedly suffered the Atonement for me and for everyone. My mind turned to my recent readings about the Savior. In the book of 3 Nephi, in The Book of Mormon, he comes to visit the people on the American continent after his resurrection. They were the lost sheep that he spoke of in The New Testament. It all made sense. It had to be true, but I wasn't sure, yet. I wanted to be sure so that if anyone asked me if I knew, I could honestly answer them. I closed my eyes and silently offered up one more prayer. I pled with God to know-- to know so that I couldn't question!
All of the sudden, I was filled with warmth. It was as if a light bulb had gone off in my head and in my heart. The clouds of uncertainty lifted and I just knew. The Book of Mormon is true! Jesus is the Christ! God is my father in Heaven! Joseph Smith was a prophet! Gordon B. Hinckley was the president of the church, then, and he was a true prophet, too! Everything came together in a rush of knowledge. The Holy Ghost spoke to my heart of the truthfulness of all of it and my chest burned with emotion. I was crying because the experience was so overpowering. I felt such joy and gratitude for a Heavenly Father who listened to my many prayers and answered every single one. It was amazing!
I gained my own testimony that day and am glad to say that I do know, now. I carried this knowledge with me through the remainder of my jr. high and high school years. It has gone with me to college and I am constantly reminded of the sweetness and truth of the gospel through my studies, prayers, and attendance in my singles' ward and institute classes. I pray to always remember this knowledge and to have the courage to share it with others so that they might come to know, as well.
I know...
I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet. Before that, though, he was a young boy who lived at a time of great religious excitement. He questioned truth and had the faith to ask, in prayer, about which of the churches he should join. In a grove of trees, he knelt in prayer. His prayer was answered! Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father appeared to him and told him to join none of them.
It was through this young boy's faith, that the gospel was restored upon the earth in all of its fullness. Through the authority/keys of the Priesthood, the church of Christ and the ordinances, doctrines, revelations, scriptures, and etc. are once again upon the earth!
I know that the Book of Mormon is true scripture. I have read it and have felt the beautiful promptings of the Holy ghost while doing so. It, alongside the Bible, is another testament of Christ. It is a record of a people who lived on the American continent-- their dealings with God, the Savior, and each other. It was translated by Joseph Smith with the assistance of the Urim and Thummim. Though it be a record of ancient inhabitants, its writings have the ability to change lives for the better, comfort hearts, and inspire those who read it, today.
I know that temples are holy places, houses of the Lord. I know that the ordinances done in temples (for the living and dead) make it possible for families to be together forever.
I know that God loves me, that I am his daughter, and that he wants me to be happy. He listens to my prayers and answers each and everyone of them. Prayer is powerful! Miracles happen everyday because of simple prayers. I know that "with God, nothing is impossible" (Luke 1:37).
I know that anyone can come to this knowledge and find answers to any question through careful study and earnest prayer.
I know these things and so much more.... It is so wonderful!!!!! and I thank my God for all of it!
I testify of these things and close this blog entry in Jesus Christ's sacred name. Amen. :)